RDF calendar dates, interpretation properties and datatypes

hi all,

I have an action to send a mail about intepretation types and datatypes
for timezones:


Here is is....

We have a couple of questions to be answered:
- is the way we handle dates, dateTimes and timezones ok at the moment?
- if it isn't, what's the best way?

In RDF Cal (http://www.w3.org/2002/12/cal)

we attach timezones to properties like this:
 <dtstart rdf:parseType="Resource">

but then if we say

 <dtstart rdf:parseType="Resource">

then the timezones and dates get mixed up together.

This is explained here:
http://esw.w3.org/topic/InterpretationProperties; I've repeated it here
in XML/RDF because I read it better.

So I think that an interpretation property in this case is something


(i.e. making the DateTime a class not a property. Is that right?)

So, is this a place to use XSD datatypes in RDF?
using the example from
(thanks Dave)


what do people think?



Received on Tuesday, 19 August 2003 12:16:48 UTC