CC template version for REC linking

Hi Karl,

I think you should exercise the discretion, when to switch over to the 
new-formatted version.  That said, I would recommend at least that it works 
in IE, and probably your gray-blocked intro section, "About this template", 
be updated also -- at that point, it's probably better than any other versions.

The attached would be much better than the old (CR) template, and would 
probably suffice until you feel ready to switch over to the new-formatted 
one.  It is the same as I sent you on 1st August, except I fixed the 
Foreword to be accurate.

I will try to look at the content, step-by-step, of the new-formatted one 
soon, and will send any comments.


Received on Monday, 22 August 2005 16:25:01 UTC