agenda request for thursday

Agenda request (Fits in the "logistic" topics I guess...)

I've been working on
Which I believe close my long-lasting action item :
A-2002-04-04-3  about a "central bibliography".

/QA/Library will be the companion to /QA/Tools (we have yet to work on
it), and the "QA resources" (poorly maintained today at /QA/#resouces)
will point to those two.

I have tried to design this page with rich and useful markup (il will,
for example, be very easy to transform into RDF), and think it may be
useful for editors, therefore I wish to discuss it briefly at thursday's
telcon if that's OK with everyone.

Olivier Thereaux - W3C |

Received on Wednesday, 26 June 2002 06:16:09 UTC