W3C patent policy

As a computing systems professional for over thirty years, I've 
obeserved the impact of the patentability of software and business 
methods on the evolution of technology in the United States, and do not 
believe this peculiar evolution of US law has been to the ultimate 
benefit of our industry.

I therefore urge the W3C to continue to create and endorse only 
standards that can be implemented on a royalty-free basis.

Margaret Stephanie Lebver CCP

-----/___.   _)   Margaret Stephanie Leber    / "The art of progress  /
----/(, /|  /| http://voicenet.com/~maggie   / consists of preserving/
---/   / | / |  _   _   _    `  _AOPA 925383/ order amid change and /
--/ ) /  |/  |_(_(_(_/_(_/__(__(/_  FN20hd / change amid order."   /
-/ (_/   '  K3XS  .-/ .-/    ARRL 39280   /___ --A.N.Whitehead ___/
/____ICQ 7161096_(_/_(_/__AMSAT 32844____/ <maggie@voicenet.com>

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 23:01:48 UTC