W3C Patent Policy

I am writing to express my concern over the recent discussion of the W3C
patent policy framework (ref URL:  http://www.w3.org/TR/patent-policy/ ).  I
am specifically concerned over the discussion of RAND licensing.

The internet has become a global communications medium through the very
openness upon which it was founded.  If I may extract from "The W3C in Seven

"W3C, a vendor-neutral organization, promotes interoperability by designing
and promoting open (non-proprietary) computer languages and protocols that
avoid the market fragmentation of the past."

Allowing patented technology is quite separate from W3C's stated mission of
promoting open standards.

I am further concerned with the following issues:

That RAND licensing will promote oligarpy in the internet development.

That RAND licensing will make open-source solutions impossible.

That RAND licensing will promote mediocrity of implementation.  Entry into
market will depend on ability to license technology, not on ability to
develop the best implementation (Otherwise known as "building a better

Therefore, I must strongly voice my dissent for the current "W3C Patent
Policy Framework", and its inclusion of non-royalty free patent licensing.


Jerry Dennany

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 14:21:44 UTC