RF and RAND licencing

Please to not implement any policy that requires Internet users to agree
to and pay royalty or other license fees in order to comply with your
standards; to do so would be a complete repudiation of the essence of
the Internet itself. I have no objection to tool-builders patenting and
collecting licence fees for the use of their tools, such as editors,
compilers, browsers and the like, but it is highly objectinable to be
required to pay to develop new or independent tools, or products that
might come from such tools, simply because the product complies with a
standard you impose. This would be akin to patenting the alphabet or the
right angle, and then compelling anyone who wrote message a in the sand
or laid out a rectangular garden plot with straight-edge and dividers to
pay for the privilege. If I choose to buy and use a typewriter or a
carpenter's square, by all means I should pay for it, but if I choose to
work without those conveniences, I should be free to do so.
Yours very truly
Dave Macmurchie
Shawnigan Lake, BC

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 13:55:38 UTC