Please do not loosen W3C patent restrictions.

Please do not loosen W3C patent restrictions.  Patents used in important
standards has caused far too many problems in the past.  Look at the whole
fiasco with GIF files for an example of why this is a very bad thing.  It is
a very slippery slope that will leave us with a few companies controlling
the web standards.  This is exactly the thing that the W3C was started to
prevent.  Any licensing fee is instantly going to reduce the ability of the
W3C to ensure the interoperability of the web, which is the main reason for
the existence of the W3C in the first place.

 \_   \_   \_   \   Ken "Wirehead" Wronkiewicz  --
  \_   \_   \_   \
     \_   \_      \   [Error: Humorous remark not found]

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 13:12:13 UTC