Patented software

I understand that the W3C is opening for patented software in W3C
aknowledged standards, thus for standards that requires the user to
pay royalties. 

Such move is in deep conflict with the inherent philosophy of the
internet: To allow everybody to communicate freely and exchange
opinions and information without any restrictions whatsoever!
If you believe in freedom of mind, thinking and
speech -  ie. the fundamental rights og democracy - you
ought to reevaluate your oppinions on this issue. 

I therefore appeal to you: Do not let the commercial interests in the
internet seduce your mind! 


Thomas Alexaner Hoelgaard
Tagensvej 15
2200 København N
35370202-lok.510/ 28761035

Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 10:27:18 UTC