LT: \"But we posted it\"

This message was posted as a talkback at /news_story.php3?ltsn=2001-09-30-001-20-NW-CY
Running towards your destiny \'cause you can\'t see where you will be
And all you know is you\'ve been fine at least until you cross the line.
Somehow this reminds me of Douglas Adams\' comment about the announcement for the demolition of Arthur Dent\'s house having been posted in the lower bathroom of an obscure public service building (Hitchhiker\'s Guide to The Galaxy).

The internet was based on a need for free, unbreakable information transfer. It exists because of a willingness for universities and researchers to support it. Just because its popularity has grown doesn\'t mean that it\'s time for industry to squeeze every extra possible dollar out of it. If someone wants to put out their own proprietary format and charge for it, that\'s fine, but a precedent that says STANDARDS can/should be charged for is ridiculous, and it discriminated against creativity.

Also, what is a \"non-discriminatory fee\"? A fee generically discriminates. I don\'t want to pay someone ELSE to show my ideas and creativity, and truth be told, until I finish college a fee will be prohibitive to the point of forcing me to discontinue my use. (Note that this is different from selling a product on the internet, where you are providing a free service that aids something that has nothing to do with the internet itself.)


Received on Sunday, 30 September 2001 04:56:26 UTC