- From: Eldon King <kinge@hqda-aoc.army.pentagon.mil>
- Date: Tue, 09 Oct 2001 17:00:46 -0400
- To: www-patentpolicy-comment@w3.org
As a web developer for the federal Government, I am concerned over the relaxing of standardization standards, and bending over to Commercial Venders who are attempting to pass off Enhanced capibilities of their particulra Browser and Server software as the acceptable Standards, inorder to bend the established rules in their favior. If a capability does not exist in All current browsers then it can not be considered a Standard. The DOD has published a Joint policy with the Department of the Army stating that DOD web page development must be generic in that all web pages must look and feel the same reguardless of Browesr being used. This is the minimum for Web Standards. there for if a recomemdation is to be made which included non-standard, enhanced features, these features should be identified in gray pages and identified as Enhanced features of Mozulla, Netscape, or Internet Explorer as they apply, and identifying particular versions where effective. Standards are acceptable and work reguardless of the a particular Browser.
Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2001 17:00:56 UTC