
Your idea is stupid, it will drive a wedge between people who can not afford
to pay the royalties and people who can not. I can not afford to pay for
anything that I make. That is why I use XHTML and CSS, free open standards.
They day you allow royalties on standards is the day an open and free, as in
free flow of information for little or no cost to the consumer, comes to and
end. Was this the original goal of Tim? I love the web because not one
person or corporation can control the whole thing. RAND is a few steps
closer to the total control of the web by one person or organization. The
problem of royalties interfering with standards can be solved in other
fashions. The W3C has a power over their members that they have yet to use.
It is because they are too scared of loosing control. Well they already
have, RAND is the W3C loosing control.

Ukiah Smith

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 * email: societyofno at                      aim: designrdie *

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Received on Sunday, 7 October 2001 20:00:42 UTC