We have to ACT

Hello to you all!

Despite all the words that have been put here. We as webcreators have to act.

There is no other choice. We have to put the entire we communitty aware of all the consequencies of such a Policy.

We have to built banners, mailing lists, petitions, pages dedicated to expose the policy and his results.
This is the future of the web we are talking about.
Is this all going to be a place for all to have their web sites or is going to became an everlasting big Portal garden?

Big Portals are ok. But indepdent content, freedom of creation and food at the tables are also!

Are we prepare to wach the death of the Web has a free and fun way of comunication?

We have to stand up! If we win every one will win, even the Big ones. If we loose than we better return to the postoffice for some stamps.

This the time to show is we can save our beautifull web or not! Other wise I am going to became a baker. A lovely profession, but not the one I was thinking about.


===)(SMILING AT YOU)==8-)

I support:

Received on Friday, 5 October 2001 14:51:30 UTC