
Since it is the nature of organizations that have outlived their 
usefulness and governments to revisit and destroy those few 
things that they do get right, I would like to add my voice to 
those that have the acuity to see that the proposed RAND policy
benefits only special interests and harms the public in general
and Open Source projects in particular. I would further add that 
if you should give in to the greedy and avericious at the expense
of the public and approve this thing, our group will throw their
full support to forking and isolating the the propretary schemes.
Your entire power is by the consent of those who adhere to standards
and royalty free and open standards are of much greater importance
than corrupt standards bodies or those that put financial gain
above the public interest.


Curt Wuollet, Founder, The Machine Automation Tools (LPLC) Project.

Free Tools! 
Machine Automation Tools (LinuxPLC) Free, Truly Open & Publicly Owned
Industrial Automation Software For Linux. mat.sourceforge.net. 
Day Job: Heartland Engineering, Automation & ATE for Automotive Rebuilders.
Consultancy: Wide Open Technologies: Moving Business & Automation to Linux.

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2001 17:20:34 UTC