
    The proposed RAND fees are most unreasonable set of  "fees" (taxes) that I have ever heard of. Okay the story you'll be telling us next will be something like, "It, (the money collected) will be used to protect the users from web hackers, E-mail virus's or gasp!?  Internet Terrorists!?"  
    What I'm seeing is just another group (W3C) corrupted by greed, and too much power,  leveling fees to fatten a few wallets at the risk of killing the Golden Goose. The proposed fees are robbery! We already pay to use the web and if we have a working Website, pay for that privilege also! Not to mention all of the taxes the Feds collect from the B & O taxs, ect. that just about cripple most business's. What's with you people anyway!? 
                                                                                    Unhappy in Washington!

Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2001 00:12:09 UTC