A bad policy

Dear sirs,

I read with shock and disbelief about the new patent policy of the W3C. It's 
like putting the entire justice system up for sale on a "non-discriminatory" 
basis, so that both rich and poor must pay millions of dollars to get 
"justice". It's clear who is being disadvantaged by this "non-discriminatory" 
rule -- anyone who isn't a big corporation.

As if the new policy was not bad enough, you have skipped a stage of your 
normal review process and have not given sufficient notice of the deadline 
for the end of the public debate on this policy. It creates the very 
avoidable impression that the W3C is trying to sneak past a bad piece of 
policy when no one's looking.

Do you want to remain a respected standards body that the web community looks 
up to? Then do a U-turn on this ill-advised policy, or you will find the 
creative genius that made the web what it is voting with their feet and 
setting up a truly free standards body.


Ganesh Prasad
Web developer

Received on Monday, 1 October 2001 10:08:05 UTC