WMTE 2002: Call for Participation

---------------  CALL FOR PARTICIPATION -------------
Dear Colleague,

Please also kindly forward to your colleagues !

On behalf of the Organizing Committee for WMTE 2002, we would 
like to call for your participation at the The First IEEE 
International Workshop on Mobile and Wireless Technologies in 
Education, WMTE 2002, to be held at Växjö University, Växjö, 
Sweden, on August 29-30, 2002.

The workshop is sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society - 
Learning Technology Task Force. In addition to an interesting 
number of innovative educational, technical and industrial 
papers, we have three excellent keynote and invited speakers 
with strong connections to both industry and academia, and 
we are planning two exciting panels as well.

For additional information, please refer to the 
conference web site:


Welcome to Växjö in August!
Best regards.

Marcelo Milrad & Ulrich Hoppe
Växjö University, Sweden
Program Co-Chairs
WMTE 2002

Received on Tuesday, 28 May 2002 03:12:07 UTC