Problem encountered

hi , 
  I have got stuck with a few problems . I would be highly grateful if anyone could suggest me a way out of it .

THe problem is as follows :-
 I have a WAP application where I am taking user name and password and passing it to my servlet . My servlets tries to do the authenication using JDBC and then returns back to my aaplication for futhur processing . I am using BEA (weblogic) server , where my servlets are posted . But I am encountering a problem in calling my wml file back from the servlets . I mean after doing the aunthentication I define a wml card called status.wml which inturns  call a predefined WML card called menu.wml . I am able to reach till status.wml because that is defined in my servlet itself , but it does not open menu.wml which was defined orginally itself . 
Here is my code :-

PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(resp.getOutputStream());
out.println("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
.......... authentication using JDBC
out.println("<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC \"-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN\"    \"\"> ");	
out.println("<card id=\"status\" title=\"status\">");
out.println("<p align=\"center\" >");
out.println("Welcome ");
out.println("<a href=\"menu.wml\">");			

While opening menu.wml it gives a error :-
                 "MimeType is NULL!"

Could you please suggest me as to where is the problem ..

Thanks for your time and your help,

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Received on Thursday, 11 October 2001 01:34:48 UTC