Re: Using content-MathML for computation and analysis in Science and Engineering

On 15/03/2012 14:24, Peter Murray-Rust wrote:
> My other question is whether I can include foreign namespaces. I can
> see things like:
> <apply><eq/><ci>atomSet</ci><apply><cml:getatoms/><cml:molecule
> id="m3"/></apply>

yes and no (we do something similar in-house here at NAG because the
given empty elements for functions in MathML don't map well to the
content of a numerical function library) but...

while using namespaces in that way is a possible extension point, it is
not (unlike using namespaced attributes) automatically valid MathML.
You would need to extend the schema to allow it, and generic MathML
processors not expecting this form will give errors.

The pure MathML version might be

<apply><csymbol cd="cml">getatoms</csymbol>
<csymbol cd="cml" id="m3">molecule</csymbol>

If you do decide that the csymbol form is too verbose and want to use
the namespace extended schema, it would be good to have a tool (which
could be xslt or perl or anything really) that wrote it back out using
just the mathml namespace elements. Then generic MathML processors will
know how to render the getatoms etc. (of course if more complicated
rendering is appropriate that could be added too.)

The NAG extensions I mentioned above are purely in-house and we always
convert to MathML (presentation MathML currently) for public files
obviously for an extension aimed for public use, the tradeoffs are
rather different.


Received on Thursday, 15 March 2012 14:44:27 UTC