Re: LC Disposition documents

On 16/07/2010 10:38, Patrick ION wrote:

>> but that doesn't show the diff.
> That last is something I didn't catch and presumably have to adjust. I think
> we need as the diff that between final PR and CR.  That's what a Team Meeting
> might worry about.

I did ask after we started the LC version whether we should keep the 
diff marking (so the current diff marking would be the accumulated 
diffs) or whether we shoudl zero-out the diff marking before starting 
teh edits. All replies said that the diff marked version for the PR 
draft should be the diffs against the LC2 draft so that's what I did.

Given where we are I'd keep the combined document but arrange things so 
the links for diffs between LC2 and CR point to the dated CR diff spec

and the links between (draft)PR and LC2 point to the public editors 
draft at monet.nag.
and probably say something to that effect in the document preamble


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