Re: MathML-in-HTML5

On 4/10/2006 10:38 AM, Ian Hickson wrote:

> On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, Paul Topping wrote:
[...] One could define that
>>namespace implicitly in HTML5 by stating in the HTML5 spec that <math> 
>>means MathML 2.0 or whatever. Of course, this locks MathML to one 
>>specific version -- not a good thing.
> The proposal that I understand Roger intends to experiment with is making 
> any tag in a particular list of tags be added to the DOM as a node not in 
> the XHTML namespace but in the MathML namespace.

It is possible to stick to <math>...</math> and make it to Just Work 
(tm) -- with the implicit understanding that Paul mentioned above.

(For one thing, it will cut the verbosity a little bit, 
<math><mi>x</mi></math>. But...
Although copy-pasting will often have the xmlns which will then be 
meaningless in Gecko but will assure IE parity for authors.)

Maybe I have been too used to xmlns... Paul, David, fast-fowarding your 
thinking in time, what is your opinion on this? Also, can bare 
<math>...</math> work in IE+MathPlayer out-of-the-box without awakening 
old demons and having authors do yet again content-negotiation or some 
JS trickeries?

Received on Wednesday, 4 October 2006 02:40:14 UTC