Re: Math on the web without MathML (CSS 2.1 rendering for HTML and XML)

David Carlisle said:

> If you read what I wrote in the text that you quoted you'd see that I
> asked whether you could display large brackets or superscripts
> from _any_ input syntax using just css.

Well your original query exactly was (emphasis mine):

>> Do you have a reasonable ***xml input syntax*** (or even
>> better ***mathml input syntax***) and a set of css rules that
>> can display large brackets and superscripts on lareg expressions?

I only can repeat you that the CSS approach is not limited to MathML not
even to an "xml input syntax". You can use HTML 4.x, HTML 5, XHTML 1.x,
XHTML 2, ...

> Rendering of large brackets requires positioning of bracket-fragment

There is no such one requirement.

Juan R.


Received on Tuesday, 11 July 2006 14:34:37 UTC