Re: Math Display Problem

"Byomokesh Sahoo" <> writes:

> I have downloaded and attached mathml.xsl, ctop.xsl and
> pmathml.xsl. But Math Equation is not converting properly. It's
> display as a normal text. Please anyone can help me and guide me
> what is wrong.

You may not need these XSL style sheets.

Four questions for you:

1.  In what tool are you trying to display this document?

2.  What type of document do you want it to be?

3.  In these equations where you have

            <mi mathvariant='italic'>TD</mi>

    is TD supposed to represent the two character name of a symbol or
    is it supposed to represent the product of T and D?

4.  What is the meaning of "or" in the second formula?  Is it a
    logical operator?  Does it indicate a branched choice?  Or could
    it be replaced by the operator "=", i.e., is K_P = K_I * T ?

                                    -- Bill

Received on Saturday, 2 December 2006 21:56:46 UTC