Re: MathML and CSS

On 14-May-04, at 07:04 Uhr, Bruce Miller wrote:
> (b2) to do just enough that mathematics can be presented, but that 
> some/most MathML would have to be simplified before CSS stylesheets 
> could describe it's presentation?

This approach is seducing, it lets  presentation-process-developers 
hope for the ability to as much dynamic-HTML with formulae than what 
can be done (sort of) in current browsers.

And at the same time, accepting this would at least mean we abandon the 
content-side of MathML. Where would we find, then, such great things as 
synchronized content and presentation subtrees ? (this should all be 
XHTML, SVG, or other CSS-supporting-platfom).

Moreover, the "mathematical" nature of the math subtrees would be lost. 
This would mean that copy and paste would be even more random and may 
be an issue for accessibility... unless content (semantic) data would 
be made available.

What can hosts of CSS (SVG, XHTML) offer for such embedding of semantic 
content ?


Received on Friday, 14 May 2004 10:31:03 UTC