Re: Universal MathML Stylesheet problem


> I have IE6+MathPlayer installed on my laptop, and I've download the
> Universal MathML Stylesheet (the 4 files) from W3C, and I've copy the
> examples in the same page and tried to publish them in a web document.
> However none of them worked.
> Any suggestions? What am I doing wrong?

The standard answer to this question is that there is probably
something wrong with the MIME types.  You have to make sure both the
XHTML document and the stylesheet files are all being sent as
text/xml.  If either one isn't, the stylesheet silently fails to run.


Dr. Robert Miner                      
MathML 2.0 Specification Co-editor                    651-223-2883
Design Science, Inc.   "How Science Communicates"

Received on Thursday, 24 April 2003 17:51:27 UTC