Re: Presentation Markup and Content Markup

> As I understand it, content markup is simpler, because it eliminates all
> formatting tags. Presentation markup can still be used to convey content
> (I think mathematica took this approach). If you are writing a parser
> for an application that does not need to worry about presentation, you can
> simplify your code and make it more elegant by using content markup.

The main difference between content and presentation markup is that content
markup is geared towards machine consumption, and therefore has to be
unambiguous (therefore the simpler grammar). Presentation markup is geared
towards consumption by humans, whe can do the disambiguation themselves,
but need visual hints (e.g. spacing,...) for that.

> I also have the impression that presentation markup does not represent the
> objects in quite as convenient a grammar for computation applications. I
> don't know the specifics, because I basically do not deal with
> presentation markup.


Received on Monday, 4 March 2002 14:40:08 UTC