Re: IEEE 754 (or 854) floating point arithmetics with MathML

> Since then (march 2001), no change.

The errata document

lists a change in March confirming that float was not intended to be an
allowed value (basically it was a name in earlier drafts for e-notation)
I'm sorry if you reported that and didn't get notified when the errata
document was updated.

> How can I encode IEEE 754 floating point arithmetic 
There is no specific IEEE float (unlike Openmath where <OMF/> is
explictly IEEE.)

You can use <cn type="real">1.234</cn> or <cn type="e-notatation">0.1234<sep/>1</cn>
but in both cases it is is essentially arbitrary precision numbers. You
can use a definitionURL attribute to override this semantics, perhaps
pointing at IEEE or maybe at


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Received on Tuesday, 20 November 2001 12:18:07 UTC