Errors in MathML DTD from Appendix A

nsgmls 1.2.1 gives numerous errors of the form:

nsgmls:E:\sgml\dtd\MathML.dtd:140:34:E: token "NORMAL" occurs more than
once in attribute definition list
nsgmls:E:\sgml\dtd\MathML.dtd:148:32:E: token "TRUE" occurs more than once
in attribute definition list
nsgmls:E:\sgml\dtd\MathML.dtd:148:32:E: token "FALSE" occurs more than
once in attribue definition list

when parsing the DTD.  Is this actually an error, or is it because I'm
using a pre-Web TC SGML parser?

Russell O'Connor                 
"And truth irreversibly destroys the meaning of its own message"
-- Anindita Dutta, "The Paradox of Truth, the Truth of Entropy"

Received on Wednesday, 18 March 1998 19:57:08 UTC