Re: The message you didn't expected anymore...

Hello Cecilia,

I fixed the problem. I had gunzipped an already gunzipped file. The Makefile
didn't name the file .tgz.

If you don't want to download it again, you can open it up as follows:

  gzip -dc < w3c-libwww-5.4.0pre.tar.gz | tar xzvf -       

If other people are going to download it now, I changed the extension
to tgz. You can open it in a single step with

	tar xzvf


On Thu, Jun 06, 2002 at 02:12:45PM -0400, Guo, Xuan C, ALVAP wrote:
> I download the tar file into my PC and ftp to our HPUX11i box. But I get
> the
> following error when I try to uncompress the file.
> root.siug003: gzip -dc < w3c-libwww-5.4.0pre.tar.gz | tar xvf -       
> directory checksum error                                              

Received on Friday, 7 June 2002 06:24:45 UTC