(using v. 5.3.2):
I use a HTProfile_newNoCacheClient(), and issue a GET request, with no
proxy set, thru HTLoadAbsolute (w/ output format set to WWW_SOURCE).
When I step through the code, there's a line in HTTP.c (line 1107) that
reads "else if (status == HT_WOULD_BLOCK || status == HT_PENDING) return

The effect is that status is indeed HT_WOULD_BLOCK, the issued request
returns with a YES, but with no response set, and nothing ever happened
(btw, I don't understand why it's HT_WOULD_BLOCK; I presume that I need
to set a proxy, but that shouldn't result in a EWOULDBLOCK return from

Q: What am I supposed to do in this case? How do I know that I got a
EWOULDBLOCK condition? I get a YES, and the request doesn't have a
response object ....



Received on Friday, 17 August 2001 06:09:58 UTC