RDF parser updates


I recently committed the following changes to the libwww RDF
parser (libwww/Library/src/HTRDF.c):

  Fixed a memory leak.  (HTElement structures for elements
  within a property with parseType="Literal" were not free'd
  after the parser was done.)

  Bug fixes. Added code to circumvent calls to HTSAlloc 
  (via StrAllocCopy) when the src and dest were identical (this 
  causes a free'd pointer to be used) or both NULL.

  Changed addMarkup{Add,End} to make one call to 
  StrAllocMCat instead of multiple StrAllocCat calls.

I intend to make the following additional changes:

  Add a new API to the RDF parser that parses a buffer.  [This
  could be useful when RDF is embedded in XML.]

  Add two new programs to Library/Examples: rdf_parse_file
  (tests HTRDFParseFile()) and rdf_parse_buffer (test HTRDFParseBuffer()).

  Add a few test cases to Library/Examples/RDF

Arthur Barstow
MIT: +1-617-253-7697
Mob: +1-617-515-0256

Received on Thursday, 17 August 2000 10:20:58 UTC