Re: Invoking a request from within an after filter

Yuval Krymolowski wrote:

>  In the after filter of a request, I create a new request
>  and issue it using HTLoad.
>  It doesn't work, although the HTLoad returns '1'.
>  The same code worked when I just issued the requests one after the
>  other. It runs on NT.

You should be able to start new requests from within filters without
problems. Could it be that you exit the event loop or some sort?
>  Actually, one requests gets the HEAD (for last access date) and the other
>  gets the HTML data through the HTML parser.
>  Could some one please send a small example of such request nesting, or
>  a simpler way of getting HEAD+parsed HTML ?

On any request, the header information is stored in the response object
and also for a longer time in the anchor object. You can see how to get
the headers in

and how to set up the HTML parser in the sample apps at

Henrik Frystyk Nielsen, <>
World Wide Web Consortium, MIT/LCS NE43-356
545 Technology Square, Cambridge MA 02139, USA

Received on Wednesday, 23 June 1999 10:53:17 UTC