Re: Number of java instances?

It appears this was fixed in RedHat 8.  'ps auxw| grep -i jigsaw'
in 8.0 shows only a single process.

Roger Marquis
Roble Systems Consulting

Yves Lafon wrote:
>Frank Kurzawa wrote:
>> I believe in Linux, each THREAD gets a separate Process ID, even though
>> it is not actually a separate process. So if, for instance, you do a ps
>> command in Linux, you will see a separate listing for each thread. OTOH,
>> in Solaris, where each thread DOES NOT get a separate Process ID, a ps
>> command will only show a single entry.
>That's right, in Linux, each thread is a separate process, and there is no
>notion of a global process for those threads.

Received on Tuesday, 21 January 2003 15:59:07 UTC