Jigsaw becomes unresponsive

We are currently using Jigsaw 2.0.2 on NT.

We have seen on several occasions that the server stops responding
under a heavy load, and never recovers 'till restarted.

We also sometimes see "overloaded" messages in the http log.

Changing settings that affect SocketClientFactory seem to change
the behavior somewhat but don't cure the problem.

I see that there has been a bug fix that "Fixed idle count
in the SocketClientFactory" http://jigsaw.w3.org/Devel/classes-2.0/20000322/LATEST .

Will this address this problem? Is this change compatible with Jigsaw 2.0.2?
If not, would you say what changed so that we could back fit the change?

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Received on Thursday, 25 May 2000 12:06:39 UTC