Re: more on JSPs

Carlos Motta wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm using Jigsaw 2.0.5 and installed the Tomcat servlet engine (with a
> little help from my friends &
> It seems to be working
> fine.

Why are you using both Jigsaw *and* Tomcat? This is probably your
problem: you're probably trying to make something work under Jigsaw that
you've got configured under Tomcat. Tomcat and Jigsaw both do exactly
the same thing - that is they are HTTP servers with embedded Servlet
engines. If you're using one, you don't need the other.

> I've tried every single directory under the Tomcat and Jigsaw trees that
> I can think of, nothing's worked so far. So the question is, In which
> directory should I put my classes? I've already tried to include them as
> a .jar file in my CLASSPATH (while starting Jigsaw), it did do it.

That generally works fine for Jigsaw, or use the Jigsaw/WWW/servlet
directory. Tomcat is, of course, different.

Simon Brooke, Technical Director, Weft Technology Ltd --

	the weft is not just what binds the web: it is what makes it a web

Received on Monday, 24 July 2000 13:05:48 UTC