FileAttribute and PassDir question


I was looking at PassDirectory and suddenly had a question in my mind. Is
pass-target relative or absolute. If it is absolute then what happens if it
was in the root space and if it relative than relative to what. So I tried
an experiment.

I created a PassDirectory resource and gave it absolute directory address.
That worked and showed me the directory I pointed to.

Next I called up editor on PassDir again and changed pass-target to non
absolute dir (without front /).
When I pressed Ok, I noticed that pass-target changed to give me an
absolute address.Unfortunately, it showed me that relative address is
counted not from WWW directory (which is default servable space) but from
directory above it (Jigsaw/Jigsaw in distribution). That seems wrong to me.
Is it? Also, where is the piece of code that changed relative filename into
absolute filename? I did not seem to find it in


Ps. icondir in DirectoryResource is a StringAttrubute, should it be

Received on Friday, 9 August 1996 03:36:11 UTC