Re: Bags and sequences

Ivan Herman wrote:

> Is there a way (or will there be a way) to generate bags and sequences
> easily (at least in the generated code). Of course, one can spell it
> out with rdf:type and _1, _2, etc, but it would be great to get it
> abbreviated with rdf:Bag and rdf:li-s in the output...

I'm not sure I understand what you want exactly.
If you go in the "property types" tab of the "Definitions" window, you 
have several predefined property constructors that can help you. One is 
rdf:li, the other one is "_?? (Membership property auto-numbering)". 
When you select this one and create new statements for a given resource, 
IsaViz will look for other _1, _2... properties already present and 
assign the new property the lowest _X it finds (X being an integer).

Is that what you want?

> Also: is there a way to set the arc labels to use the nameset name
> rather than the full spelled out name? I mean to use rdf:type and not
> It would make the view way less
> cluttered...

yes. Go the the "Namespaces" tab in the same window. Here you can define 
NS prefix bindings for the namespaces used in your model. Two are 
present by default, for RDF and RDFS. If you use elements from other 
namespaces, like dublin core, those namespaces will be listed here too, 
but no prefix will be bound to them. You can bind a prefix by entering a 
string in the prefix column (e.g. "dc"). Then, to display the prefix 
instead of the full URI for properties in the Graph window, just tick 
the checkbox in the right column (display prefix).


P.S: I'm working on your SVG offset problem

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Received on Monday, 18 March 2002 09:42:50 UTC