Re: [review feedback] Creating HTML Pages in Arabic, Hebrew and Other Right-to-left Scripts

Hi Mati,

On 27/02/2013 15:18, Matitiahu Allouche wrote:
> These are my comments on the document stored at
> 1) In section “In a nutshell”, second paragraph, the text mentions
> “default direction” in the first sentence and “base direction” in the
> second one, while referring to the same concept. This could confuse
> people in a hurry. I suggest to modify the second sentence from
> “Use the dir attribute on block elements within the page only where you
> need to change the base direction.”
> to
> “Use the dir attribute on block elements within the page only where
> their direction should be different from the default.”

I changed default direction to 'default base direction'. Partly this is 
because a block element may be inside another block element, and it may 
be the latter that changed away from the default. Maybe it's splitting 
hairs, but i think the text is ok with the change i made.

> 2) Later in the same section, I suggest to replace “the” by “their” in
> the sentence “For inline text, tightly wrap all opposite-direction
> phrases in markup that sets the base direction.”


> 3) In the definition of UBA, I suggest to replace
> “It describes an algorithm used to determine the directionality for
> bidirectional Unicode text that is widely supported by web browsers and
> other applications”
> by
> “It describes an algorithm used to determine the directionality for
> bidirectional Unicode text and is widely supported by web browsers and
> other applications”
> Rationale: with the original phrasing, one could understand that it is
> the bidirectional Unicode text which is widely supported, rather than
> the algorithm.


> **
> 4) The section “markup for text direction” announces “we refer you to
> two key articles” but in fact the following text references three articles.

Actually that's right, because we referred to the first article in the 
first part of the sentence. For clarity, I changed it to  "Once we have 
dealt with the difference between visual and logical ordering of 
right-to-left text, we refer you to two further articles of key 
importance here"
> **
> 5) The 2 last references in the document mention RLM and LRM characters.
> Considering that UTC has approved the addition of ALM (Arabic-Letter
> Mark), the two referred articles should be updated to include ALM, and
> the mentions of RLM and LRM in this document should be changed to
> include ALM.

Yes. I was just waiting until the release of Unicode 6.3 before doing that.


> **
> *Shalom (Regards),  Mati*

Richard Ishida, W3C

Received on Thursday, 28 February 2013 15:35:18 UTC