Re: Specifying Language in XHTML and HTML

MTCB> 1) Language of the intended audience
MTCB> This should simply be named "primary language" of something similar.
Chris> These are two quite different things, which is why they use different names.


There are only *two* language concepts (and I believe both concepts are required
and that a third one is not required):

 3.1 The language of the intended audience
 3.2 The text-processing language

I interpreted "language of the intended audience" as synonymous with "primary language"
as in

By comparison to traditional paper publications, "language of the intended audience"
(as synonymous with "primary language") means the language in which the publication
actually *is*; nothing to do with intention.

If the publication is intended for any particular audience (linguistic or other), it
should be expressed in some metadata; e.g.,

 <meta name="intention" content="ad usum Delphini" />


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Received on Monday, 7 August 2006 08:21:07 UTC