Re: locales

On the web, there is one general kind of identifier. It's called
an URI (see RFC 2396). Using URIs to identify 'locales', 'preferences',
or whatever else you call it is most general and flexible. This allows
to have downloadable info on the details (e.g. in XML as Mark already
proposed) or to just use the URI as an identifier that is resolved
separately on each system.

Some pointers to stuff that is somewhat similar and may be
used as a starting point:

- CC/PP: A general capabilities/preferences mechanism,
- Unicode Technical Report #22: Character Mapping Markup Language
   This can be used for the 'encoding' part of the locale
- A Notation for Character Collections for the WWW
   This may not be necessary for the locale, but shows (in sometimes
   a bit academic detail) how to deal with combinations of information
   from different places and fallbacks in the case of incomplete info.

Regards,   Martin.

At 12:18 01/11/09 +0100, Thierry Sourbier wrote:
>May be that's just me but I believe there is some confusion between the XML
>contruct for user preference (as Mark and Andrea call it) or locale info (as
>Paul calls it) and the locale ID *problem* discussed so far.
>A locale ID is still be needed as soon as a software contains some data and
>its *translation* (this data can be some piece of logic, a string, ....).
>Locales have just been invented to add one dimention to software without
>replicating it. Even if you could store part of the locale dependant data in
>such a construct, the issue remains software will have different ways of
>expressing a locale ID.
> - Open Internationalization Resources Directory

Received on Wednesday, 14 November 2001 03:04:13 UTC