Re: Arabic UNicode in XML

Chris Pratley wrote:
> When I access it using IE 5.5, it is marked as UTF-8, and the Arabic text is
> real text, although ironically despite the utf-8 encoding it uses NCRs for
> the Arabic:
> به نظر 

How bizarre. Is the file served to Win IE 5.x well formed?

> Perhaps the server serves up images if it does not detect IE5.x as the
> browser?

Yes, that would explain it. Its rather short-sighted, of course, since the
number of different clients on all the growing number of web-enabled
platforms is increasing. I was trying those pages with Netscape 6, Opera
5beta1, ICE browser 5, and Ichitaro Ark.


Received on Friday, 22 December 2000 09:43:50 UTC