RE: Re(2): Euro - re-statement

> Personally I could do without this glyph,
> [Carrasco Benitez Manuel]  
> This is also my position.  I would have
> prefered no symbol and just to write *euro*
> when necessary.  Indeed, the symbol is
> going to be expensive.
> but we might as well recognise that we're going to
> get it anyway. This in not so much because it's a
> practical necessity, but because of its symbolic
> and political importance.
> [Carrasco Benitez Manuel]  
> Well put: the euro glyph is not discutable as it has
> been already decided.  The discussion is about
> making it work.
> From this perspective, ESCII starts to make sense.
> [Carrasco Benitez Manuel]  
> I already commented, I dislike the proposal as
> much as anybody, but I do not see any other
> solution, if one wants the euro glyph in 7 and 8
> bits.  Technically is one of the easiest solutions
> to implement and to reconvert existing equipment,
> including the keyboard.
> Regards
> Tomas

Received on Thursday, 16 October 1997 09:24:46 UTC