Your comments on the Character Model [C155, C158, C180, C181, C190]

Dear Michael,

Many thanks for your comments on the 2nd Last Call version of the Character
Model for the World Wide Web v1.0 [1].  We appreciate the interest you have
taken in this specification.

You can see the comments you submitted, grouped together, at
(You can jump to a specific comment in the table by adding its ID to the end
of the URI.)

The following comments were accepted and edits were made along the lines you
suggested. We do not need you to comment on the edits made, but if you wish
to, please reply to us within the next two weeks at and copy
        C155, C158, C181

PLEASE REVIEW the decisions for the following additional comments and reply
to us within the next two weeks at (copying to say whether you are satisfied with the decision
        C180, C190

Information relating to these comments is included below. You will receive
notification of decisions on remaining comments at a later date.

The Character Model has recently been split into two parts. These comments
relate to the editor's version at

Best regards,
Richard Ishida, for the I18N WG


C180	E	R	C	C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
	P	MD	3.7	fixed-length escapes


      Comment (received 2002-07-12) -- fixed-length escapes

      In contemplating the rule '[S] Escape syntax SHOULD either require
explicit end delimiters or mandate a fixed number of characters in each
character escape' I am uncertain whether you intend to outlaw the kinds of
escapes defined by section 6.3 of ISO 2022 or not. ISO 2022 defines some
fixed-length and some variable-length escape sequences, in which certain
classes of characters are defined as final characters. These final
characters might be viewed as explicit end delimiters, but they are not
solely delimiters. They are part of the escape sequence and cannot be
disregarded in establishing the meaning of the escape sequence.

      I don't think I have a strong preference for making escape sequences
of this kind legal or illegal here, but I think it probably needs to be
clearer whether they are legal or not.

      Our response (sent 2002-07-12) -- Re: fixed-length escapes

      Comment (received 2002-07-13) -- Re: fixed-length escapes

      Decision: Rejected.

      Rationale: We do not think it is necessary to explicitly exclude this
kind of escape sequences, because we do not think that anybody would
actually want to use anything like this. There is an amazingly wide variety
of escape sequence syntaxes, but we have never seen anything that even get
close. While completely distinguishing good and bad escape syntaxes has some
appeal, we want to keep a certain practical touch to our document and want
to keep it readable, and want to give the reader enough breathing room that
they can actually think about the issues at hand (because they need to; the
Character Model cannot just be applied mechanically). 

C190	S	P	C	C. M. Sperberg-McQueen
	M	MD	3.6.3	Should require preservation of characters in
the private use area


      Comment (received 2002-09-03) -- Re: Your last call comment on the
Character Model

      [the PS only; the first part of this mail is handled in C002]

      Decision: Partially accepted.

      We have made the following edits:

      1) We have added a sentence to the section about the Reference
Processing Model near C070 (where we discuss arbitrary exclusions of
characters) saying "Also, please note that the Unicode Standard requires
software to not corrupt any code points."

      2) We have removed 'be designed in such a way as to' from: [S] [I]
Specifications and implementations SHOULD [be designed in such a way as to]
NOT disallow the use of private use code points by private arrangement. [we
have changed 'arrangement' to the correct term 'agreement'] 

[1] The version of CharMod you commented on:
[2] Latest editor's version (still being edited): 
[3] Last Call comments table, sorted by ID:

Received on Friday, 13 February 2004 15:24:42 UTC