
This is a last call comment from C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (cmsmcq@acm.org) on
the Character Model for the World Wide Web 1.0

Semi-structured version of the comment:

Submitted by: C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (cmsmcq@acm.org)
Submitted on behalf of (maybe empty): 
Comment type: substantive
Chapter/section the comment applies to: 3.6 Choice and Identification of Character Encodings
The comment will be visible to: public
Comment title: Heuristics
The spec says "[S] Specifications MUST NOT propose the use of heuristics 
to determine the encoding of data."  Is it your intent to outlaw the
heuristics given by the XML 1.0 spec?  If not, I believe the wording
of this requirement is incorrect, and should be changed to something
specifying that heuristics should be used only in the absence of
usable labels.  If it is your intent to disallow the heuristics defined
in XML 1.0, I disagree, and believe the MUST NOT should be changed to 
something weaker, preferably a generic health warning.

Structured version of  the comment:

  visibility="public" status="pending"
  decision="pending" impact="substantive">
  <originator email="cmsmcq@acm.org" represents="-"
      >C. M. Sperberg-McQueen</originator>
  <charmod-section href='http://www.w3.org/TR/2002/WD-charmod-20020430/#sec-Encodings'
      <dated-link date="2002-07-12"
      <para>The spec says "[S] Specifications MUST NOT propose the use of heuristics 
to determine the encoding of data."  Is it your intent to outlaw the
heuristics given by the XML 1.0 spec?  If not, I believe the wording
of this requirement is incorrect, and should be changed to something
specifying that heuristics should be used only in the absence of
usable labels.  If it is your intent to disallow the heuristics defined
in XML 1.0, I disagree, and believe the MUST NOT should be changed to 
something weaker, preferably a generic health warning.

Received on Thursday, 11 July 2002 22:18:38 UTC