Re: name="" deprecated in XHTML

Tina Holmboe schrieb:
> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 06:18:53PM +0200, Sebastian Mendel wrote:
>>> not necessarily the same person. An id is a unique identifier that
>>> distinguishes between two things. If there are two people with the
>>> same name, they would have a different id.
>> not
>> but
>    The definition of CLASS in HTML or XHTML is authoritative in
>    this case, not Wikipedia.

doesn't w3c recommendations follow how people use and browsers supports things?

possible i am wrong, but searching for getElementsByName() gives me a 
feeling that attribute "name" is more used than often ...

but i am possible wrong

i just thought that deprecating name is a mistake, but if nobody agrres, 
fine for me, i will still use it, works in all browsers (on all elements) 
and native getElementsByName() is much faster than userspace implementations 
of getElementsByClass

Sebastian Mendel

Received on Wednesday, 25 June 2008 16:50:53 UTC