Re: name="" deprecated in XHTML

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis wrote:
> 1. NAME as unique element identifier (A, APPLET, FORM, FRAME, IFRAME, 
> IMG, MAP); deprecated in favour of ID. If ID is present on the same 
> element, the values must be the same. This attribute has the NAME data 
> type ( ).

Sorry, NAME as unique identifier has data type CDATA, whereas ID is type 
ID ( ). I always get that 

Conceivably that holds a clue to David Woolley's pondering ("The only 
thing I don't understand is why it's uses as an alternative to @id 
wasn't deprecated in HTML 4."). The spec notes:

"Authors should consider the following issues when deciding whether to 
use id or name for an anchor name: ... The name attribute allows richer 
anchor names (with entities)."

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

Received on Tuesday, 1 July 2008 07:37:46 UTC