Re: proposed li:marker pseudo-class

On Wed, Apr 02, 2008 at 11:14:24AM +0100, David Woolley wrote:

> Mark Alford wrote:
>> I have been trying to create a sectioned document using <ol>...</ol>.
>> Each list item is a section, which has a header, which should typically
>> be larger than the regular text in the section. If you do this in the
>> natural way,
> I'd consider that an abuse of HTML. As such, I don't think you have a  
> valid use case.  In any case, you are requesting a CSS feature, not an  
> HTML feature, so you should be using the list.

  Perhaps I am confused, but I certainly can see no difficulty in
  claiming that "this is a list of items, each of which has a heading"
  and label it a perfectly valid use-case?

  Um. And www-svg for CSS feature requests? www-style, perhaps?

 -  Tina Holmboe      Developer's Archive           Greytower Technologies

Received on Wednesday, 2 April 2008 10:36:29 UTC