Re: Complex Table Examples

Patrick H. Lauke wrote:
> Lachlan Hunt wrote:
>> ...  For instance, support for IE's <t:video> or WebTV's 
>> <audioscope> elements probably won't be required because there's 
>> very little evidence (if any) to show that they're needed.
> The difference here being that <t:video> and <audioscope> were not 
> part of the original HTML 4.1 spec, so it's not a case of removing 
> them from the spec in the first place (whereas that's the case with 
> id/headers).

Fair enough, here's some examples that are in HTML4 Strict, which are 
unlikely to be considered conforming for HTML5:

* <a charset="" shape="" coords="" rev="">
* <acronym> (currently in favour of <abbr> instead)
* <link rev="">
* <td char="" charoff="">
* <head profile="">
* etc.

None of those have any substantial evidence to support their addition to 

The headers attribute should still be considered an open issue and 
producing evidence to support it will go a long way to getting it added 
to the spec.

It's important to realise that the HTML5 did not start with HTML4 and 
then remove features.  It started with a clean slate and added features 
that had evidence to support them (usually), and will drop features that 
have insufficient support.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Sunday, 13 May 2007 21:02:17 UTC