Re: abbr and acronym

Em Sáb, 2007-03-24 às 17:46 +0000, Patrick H. Lauke escreveu:
> Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA wrote:
> >  I use both the abbr and the acronym extensively.  What is the reasoning
> > for not retaining acronym in XHTML 2?
> All acronyms are just a subset of abbreviations, so there's no need for 
> an extra element.

 Yes, but acronyms are pronounced as words, while all-uppercase
non-acronym abbreviations are spelled out.  So with different acronym
and abbr elements a speech the user agent will know what to do, roughly
— obviously hybrids (eg JPEG) will need special treatment.

 For example, NATO and HTTP.  The first is an acronym, the second only
an abbreviation.  Am I getting anything wrong here?

 I found stuff such as, but now clear reasoning for simply removing acronym.  I would love to have pointers, even if it is just a thread in this or any other fora.

Leandro Guimarães Faria Corcete DUTRA <>
+55 (11) 2122 0302
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Received on Monday, 26 March 2007 13:31:28 UTC