Re: About XHTML2 and IE7

--- David Dorward <> wrote:

> On Mon, Nov 13, 2006 at 08:38:44AM -0500, Jasper Magick wrote:
> > With Microsoft's decision not to support application/xhtml+xml (even 
> > after promising they would, those fools)
> When did they promise that? The only mention I've seen of XHTML from
> Microsoft has been a note that they wouldn't be supporting it in IE7
> (and that was many months ago).
> >  will XHTML 2.0 be harder to "promote".
> Not really.
> XHTML 2.0 isn't exactly compatible with XHTML 1.x, so it would require
> major changes in the browser either way.
If its not compatible why the heck doe it share its namespace. I know this has been brought up
before but I'm still confused.
> Not supporting XHTML 1.0 at this time might even be an advantage for
> Microsoft as it may allow them to develop a strategy for dealing with
> XHTML 1.x and 2.0 without having to be backwards compatible with
> whatever methods they would have used for 1.x.
> -- 
> David Dorward                            

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Received on Monday, 13 November 2006 21:46:49 UTC