Re: [html] "title" text semantics, and "minor" element discussion

Christophe Strobbe wrote:

> On rereading that section: "Such an attribute [=title or full] should be 
> repeated each time the abbreviation is *defined* in the document" 
> [emphasis added]. 'Defined' is not the same as 'used'.

Yes, I misread it. I guess that I'm missing something, as what it really 
says seems redundant nonsense to me.

Consider the given example:

The <span id="w3c">World Wide Web Consortium</span> (<abbr 
full="#w3c">W3C</abbr>) develops interoperable...

Where the attribute refers to the immediate context. This is what should 
be marked, but not when the abbreviation appears say five paragraphs 
later? Now I'm really confused :)

> I agree that it helps but I don't agree that it should be required for 
> every instance. I actually see no requirement to provide the expansion 
> for every instance: once is enough to meet the letter of this checkpoint.

Perhaps we misunderstand each other here. I'm not advocating for a 
*must*, but for a *should*, as in RFC 2119.


Received on Thursday, 20 October 2005 15:29:16 UTC